Unruly Bodies, Divergent Minds - A Portrait Series

Unruly Bodies, Divergent Minds is a self-portrait series that explores pleasure, fat liberation, and sensual healing through the perspectives and experiences of disabled queer folks. With Unruly Bodies, Divergent Minds I venerate my body that doesn't fit the mold of what society deems acceptable. Bodies that are too fat, too sick, too Black, too foreign, too queer, and too femme. I venerate those of us with minds that have infinite ways of developing and relating to the world. I wish to highlight all the ways queerness and disability are always in-conversations with one another. The disabled experience in the world--especially the queer world-- is one of disruption and dissonance that is counter-normative to the ways of existing in the world. By magnifying the different ways disabled folks find joy, passion, pleasure, and attraction is to highlight a new way of expressing their sexuality. There’s not enough representation of folks with disabilities enjoying their life--beyond being an inspiration for able-bodied folks. This project is about centering us--our life, our sexual expression, their embodied experiences.

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Ireashia M. Bennett

Ireashia M. Bennett is a storyteller, filmmaker, and writer whose work aims to create worlds, and document moments, where Black queer, disabled folks can exist in ease, complexity, and pleasure.


my desires disable me - casual disabilities as love access


Pain>>Pleasure >>