Sex Ed Resources
Scarleteen: Disablility
Inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationship info for teens and emerging adults.
Ultimate Guide to Sex & Disability
A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability is just that: a quick, easy, and educational comic book guide that will help change the way we talk about sex and sexuality for all bodies!
Come As You Are
A general overview of adapting sex toys.
Consent Academy
An educational collective teaching about consent in all of its complexity & potential
Sex Positive Families
An educational collective teaching about consent in all of its complexity & potential.
Great resource for safety considerations and search terms.
Disabled Sex Educators
Curricula by Bianca I Laureano
Bianca I Laureano is an award-wining educator, curriculum writer, facilitator, and sexologist. She is a Foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN), The LatiNegrxs Project, ANTE UP!, Virtual Freedom Professional Development School for Justice Workers, and hosts LatinoSexuality.com. She has written several curricula that focus on communities of color: What’s the REAL DEAL about Love and Solidarity? (2015) and Communication MixTape: Speak On It Vol 1. (2017) and wrote the sexual and reproductive justice discussion guide for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene published in 2018.
Neve Be Bad
Neve Be Bad is an individual artist, accessibility consultant and event planner, dance educator, and political conceptualizer working to put liberation and joy for disabled people of all stripes on every menu.
Rachele Manett
Rachele (they/she) is a queer and disabled sex educator based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
They are the education coordinator for Venus Envy, and education-based sex shop and bookstore located in Halifax and Ottawa (Ontario).
Through Venus Envy, Rachele also offers community consultation around sex toys and accessibility. This is an opportunity for community members to have a 1:1 conversation about choosing the right toy, adapting currently owned toys, and/or problem-solving toy questions/concerns. Consults are completely free for community members.
Rachele also offers consults and training to health care practitioners, disability sector workers, and other disability supports on disabled sexuality. Please get in touch via email for more information rachele@venusenvy.ca
Cripping Up Sex with Eva
Welcome to Cripping Up Sex with Eva. An author and sex educator focused on sex and disability. Eva has been in the sex ed field for over 15 years.
Q+A with Mistrex Sunmi by Disabled Parts
This video does not have captions, but we have provided a transcript of this interview.
Sins Invalid
Explore the whole Sins Invalid YouTube channel and library of offerings
Crip Bits
Playlist with episodes of Crip bits: disability justice, bodies, and liberation
Sex and Disability
Sex and disability with Chanelle Gallant and Cyree Jarelle Johnson
Reproductive Justice is Disability Justice
Part 4: Disabled Communities
Further Reading