Disabled Parts is a growing archive of poetry, stories, photos and art about sexuality and intimacy, featuring disabled voices. We move past the question of “what is disabled sex?” and seek to build understanding and deepen connection with our bodies, ourselves, and each other.
A femme presenting person with long dark brown hair is photographed sitting on a black upholstered chair, displaying their profile, and is wearing a light sand colored fitted long sleeve and large hoop earrings. As they close their eyes, they sensually drape a black leather flogger alongside their left shoulder. They come to focus, as the background behind them blurs.
Content notes: The work on these pages includes discussions of sex, kinky play + BDSM, sexual assault + sexual trauma, and ableism. This site is a place for shame-free exploration of sex, play, kink, pleasure and pain, and for uplifting the experiences of disabled people with regard to our unique and varied sexualities. Please take care of yourself, however needed, while engaging with and processing everything here.

We define pleasure and sex broadly; we move beyond mainstream and heteronormative ideas about sex, which tend to center genitals and orgasm and which focus on only a few specific sex acts which may not be accessible or even desirable for everyone. Sex and pleasure look different for everyone, and everyone deserves pleasure that works for them.
A close up of black leather flogger handle being placed in between the teeth of a submissive, creating a shadow on their cheek as the sunset-like lighting grazes their face. Their lips are painted with an orangish pink nude lipstick, they wear a black bedazzled hoop earring, and their curly hair is brown with the ends transforming into a rosewood pink color.
Disabled Sex
Disabled Sex is creative, vulnerable, and expansive.
Disabled Sex centers
access needs, communication, consent, and flexibility.
Disabled sex values and honors the uniqueness of all of our bodies and minds.
Art by Sarah Faux
We will not provide resources for parents or care providers who wish to discourage disabled young people from exploring their bodies and their sexual desires.
We believe that providing accessible sexuality education creates greater safety, autonomy, and possibility for all people, disabled or not.
All of the creators and contributors to this site are disabled people. We seek to center the experiences of queer and trans disabled people and especially those who are BIPOC. Disability Justice has taught us that we must take the lead from those most impacted by racism, ableism, and colonization.
We owe gratitude to queer, disabled BIPOC who have been leading, writing, and doing the work of Disability Justice and disabled sexual wholeness and liberation for years. Follow and support the work of Sins Invalid, Patty Berne, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha, Alice Wong, Aurora Levins Morales, Syrus Marcus Ware, Imani Barbarin, Neve Be, Leroy Moore. Our resources page has more links to other revolutionary disabled writers and advocates.