Disabled Parts
An Exploration of Disabled Embodiment and Sexuality
Emerging from a Hoya plant in a white pot is a new growth of leaves colored the faintest pink. This dreamy orange-like pink tinted photograph depicts this plant sitting on a person wearing a black lace bralette with a diamond cutout framing the center of their chest with the inner edges lined with hollow scalloped lace. This person sits as they caress one of these new pink rubber-like leaves.
Content notes: The work on these pages includes discussions of sex, kinky play + BDSM, sexual assault + sexual trauma, and ableism. This site is a place for shame-free exploration of sex, play, kink, pleasure and pain, and for uplifting the experiences of disabled people with regard to our unique and varied sexualities. Please take care of yourself, however needed, while engaging with and processing everything here.
Disabled Parts is a growing archive of poetry, stories, photos and art about sexuality and intimacy, featuring disabled voices.
We move past the question of “what is disabled sex?” and seek to build understanding and deepen connection with our bodies, ourselves, and each other.
A digital image where there are four skeletons descending on a diagonal. behind those four skeletons is three organic ovular, oblong egg shapes. the oval to the right where the bottom two skeletons are is white and expands up to the right and down towards the center right. The second ovular shape is black and bigger than the first. It expands upward to the left with the top of the shape larger than the bottom. The bottom of the shape reaches towards the center. There is a third oblong shape that is in the background of both the two shapes, hiding most of the body of the shape. It spans in the center and is more horizontal, it’s is a grayish blue. All skeletons are the same posture: the skeleton has it’s back knee bent and it’s front leg lengthened. The legs lay towards the left. The skeletons all cradle their necks, clutching at their necks. Their spines are curved over and the skull looks down between their knees. The first skeletons silhouette at the top diagonal is textured with colors of orange and reds at the skull and ribs and spine. The legs have greens reds and the feet have more orange. Descending down the second silhouette has a texture and color similar to a blue white ice. The pelvic floor and ribs is a darker blue almost greenish and it ombres lighter towards the skull and legs. The third skeleton silhouette straddles the black and white oblong ovular shapes. It has a pink and red color tone similar to wine. The fourth skeleton is all black and is backdropped by the white oblong shape.
Art by Sarah Faux
Disabled Sex
Disabled Sex is creative,
vulnerable, and expansive
Disabled sex values and honors the uniqueness of all of our bodies and minds.
Disabled Sex centers access needs, communication, consent, and flexibility.
A growing collection of poetry, reflection, and story written by queer, disabled people sharing about the sexual, sensual, erotic, intimate, complicated and beautiful parts of our experiences.
In solidarity with Palestine
There can be no sexual liberation for anyone without the liberation of Palestine, no Disability Justice without justice for Palestinian people & all people oppressed by the ableist systems within white supremacy and capitalism.
Included are links to some important pieces explaining the interconnected between Disability Justice, Reproductive Justice, a Free Palestine, and demilitarization across the globe.
Palestine is Disabled
by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha
Why Palestinian Liberation Is Disability Justice
by Alice Wong
Statement of solidarity with Palestine
from the Abolition and Disability Justice Collective
Letter: reproductive justice includes Palestine solidarity,
by ARC Southeast by Alice Wong
Queer solidarity with Palestine
google doc
This statement was posted in January 2024, three months after the genocide of Gaza, in its current escalation, began on October 7. As of September 25, 2024, the genocide is ongoing, and has extended info force to the West Bank and Lebanon. We continue to pray and fight for the liberation of Palestine, and for the liberation of Judaism from Zionism. Zionism is a racist and antisemitic ideology. We must reject it in all forms.
Digital sketch drawing by Kalyn Heffernan of Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh on the front lines in Gaza. Holding high a peace sign and the Palestinian flag in a wheelchair as a double amputee with no legs. Shot and killed by israeli soldiers at 29 yrs old after being shot losing both his legs for protesting
Q+A with Mistrex Sunmi by Disabled Parts
This video does not have captions, but we have provided a transcript of this interview.

Exhibits a close up of the torso of a person adorned with tattoos on their right bicep, and their upper right thigh. They wear a black tank top and cheetah print underwear as they split their legs and hold a balm in a white cylindrical tin in front of them, supporting it with their left hand and dipping into it with their middle and ring finger.